Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quarter-life is the new Mid-life

"Who am I?" "What have I achieved?" "Is life meaningful?" "What have I got to live for?" The typical menopausal-andropausal questions are no longer the exclusive preserve of the 45+. Gen next is ridden with this nature of angst in its twenties. Yes, quarter-life is the new mid-life. And I am surrounded by sufferers! What on earth is driving them there so soon? Any guesses anyone?


Kay said...

Its a different world than the one we grew up in. I too worry, that we may the ones responsible for turning our kids into short adults before time, but I console myself that the worlds changing fast and will prey on the naive. Which is why i think they have had to grow up to reality a lot quicker than we did.

Unknown said...

You are right Kay, about preparing the children and protecting them from naivete. But do you think society is going to extremes? I mean, when I see some of these talent shows I see little kids being provoked to imitate adults -- in make up, dress, gyrations, gestures! Is imitation of the adult world with all its warts the only way kids can prove their worth? I see this is highly symbolic of a social malaise. And these trends have an epidemic quality, thanks to the power of broadcast media and the Internet. I think we are sowing the seeds for some enormous contradictions here.