Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Surviving life

Reviving my dying blog so thought it appropriate to begin with a post on survival :). Read this interesting blog on survivalism and learnt a few things. Here's an extract that kind of blew my mind, especially as it connected with something I've experienced myself, the day Mumbai drowned:

"survivalist knowledge and skills can vastly magnify your chances of surviving a major disaster up to and including nuclear war or worse, while also increasing your chances of being able to save dozens or even hundreds of lives of others in such a scenario. . Even straightforward knowledge like the fact that millions of gallons of water could be recovered from underground water pipes in undulating terrain even in a grid-down scenario by opening fire hydrants at the lowest available altitude could save hundreds of lives in a disaster. During the exodus from Hurricane Katrina, thousands of thirsty people walked right by fire hydrants. There are many thousands of similar examples of people suffering due to lacking simple knowledge as soon as they are transplanted outside of their zone of familiarity."

If you'd like to read the rest you can find at



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